Thank you for your interest in Flex Rates at KFMT Below are the procedures on how we determine reducted (flex) rates along with questions and answers for commonly asked questions.

Procedures for applying for Reduced (flex) rates at KFMT:

  1. You are seen for your initial Physical Therapy evaluation. This is necessary before we can determine your rate, as there is a difference in how much you may be able to afford depending on how much therapy you need (eg needing 3 vs 25 sessions may influence how much you can afford/session)
  2. After your initial evaluation, you will be sent a link to fill out the application for financial aid. You will have 2 weeks or 3 visits to fill this form out, otherwise you will be charged the full amount for any treatments sessions you attended during that time that time (Currently $300/session).
  3. In the interim, you will be charged $150 for your initial session. This is not the final rate you will pay, but a hold on your account while we process your application.
  4. Once your application is filled out, we will process it within 24-72 hours. You will receive an email from ownership letting you know what your flex rate is. 
  5. Once we have determined your rate, one of 3 things will happen: You will be either : a) refunded money if your flex rate is lower than $150; b) be charged the extra amount if your flex rate is > $150; c) Not be charged or credited if your rate is $150
  6. You will then be given a flex rate form confirming your rate for sessions during the duration of your treatment course at KFMT. 
Questions and Answers about our flex rate financial aid system:
Why are you having me fill out all this information?

Our goal is to be able to provide world class treatment regardless of the financial status of our patients. However, the amount of financial strain posed by the cost of treatment can be extremely variable and thus the amount of discount we provide would be based on your specific financial circumstances. Thus we ask you to fill out this application to let us know what those specific circumstances are. Providing this information allows us to determine the appropriate amount of aid we can provide to help in affording care, while meeting operational costs and running a healthy business. We accommodate all budgets, but aid will be allocated based on each individual's specific circumstances and level of need.

What if I don’t fill it out in time?

Once you receive the form, you will have 2 weeks or 3 visits to complete it. If you do not fill it out within 2 weeks, or come for a 4th session (within those 2 weeks) and have not completed the form, you will be charged the full amount (Currently $300) for all sessions seen during that 2 week application period. This will be non refundable. After the 2 week (or 3 visit) application period, if you continue to come, only visits after you're submitted your flex rate financial aid application will be considered for a flex rate.

Do I have to fill this out multiple times if I have multiple members of my household being seen?

If you have multiple household members receiving care at KFMT you only need to fill out one application, but you should list all members of your household who are being seen on the application or flex rates will not be applied to their account. If you have a family member in your household already being seen at KFMT, let the front desk know so they can alert management to review the application if there are any changes needed. If you have another family being seen who are not in your household, they will need to fill out a separate application.

Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes. Only KMFT ownership will review your application and responses will be saved in a password protected format by ownership to protect confidentiality after they have been reviewed.

If my financial circumstances change, will I be able to adjust my rate?

If your financial circumstances change, please let us know and we will provide you with a change of financial status form to fill out that would be reviewed by ownership to see if you are eligible to adjust your rate based on changing financial circumstances.